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Call for Submissions Details


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What makes our 51st State Initiative unique is the gathering and curation of broad ranging, cutting edge thought leadership around the utility and DER market evolution. In Phase I, we collected over a dozen “visions”; in Phase II, the 51st State community built on those ideas with a number of “roadmaps." SEPA convened a group of industry leaders in 2016 to provide mass, rapid peer review of these concepts and developed our “Blueprints” report, laying out four doctrines, including the following:


“The role of the utility, as a public service corporation, should be clearly defined so that all market participants have open access to enable customer options in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner.”


In order to foster creative and constructive dialogue, and provide the industry additional tools and guidance for their efforts at utility business model and rate reform, we invite electric power sector thought leaders and subject matter experts to share detailed perspectives on this doctrine on the "role of the utility."


Submission Requirements


Your submission should answer the following questions:


  1. What are the necessary utility functions in generating and delivering power to consumers?
  2. Which functions meet the economic and/or legal definitions of the “natural monopoly?”
  3. What additional functions (and related investments) should be paid through regulated, cost-of-service based revenues as part of the utility’s monopoly franchise, and what is the basis for this determination?
  4. Which other functions, if any, should the regulated utility be allowed to provide under regulated, cost-of-service business models, in competition with so called “non-regulated” third party providers, and what is the basis for this determination?
  5. Which functions, if any, should the regulated, cost-of-service utility monopoly be prohibited in offering to utility consumers, and what is the basis for this determination?


Submission Guidelines


  • Suggested length of no more than 15 pages, in either white paper or executive presentation formats...brevity is encouraged.
  • The use of both existing 51st State frameworks ("Roadmap “lanesBlueprint “Doctrines") and author-developed graphical frameworks are highly encouraged.


Submissions Are Closed

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